There has been, in recent years, a sea change in service delivery in the disability sector. As a result, individual and organisation training requirements and needs have become increasingly specialised and demanding. The requirements of legislation and regulation are welcome protection to the service users but have created complex burdens on organisations and require great flexibility, adaptability and capacity for change by those working in the sector, whatever their role may be. This has created a strong demand for high-quality specialist training, which the National Institute of Intellectual Disability Studies offers. It is the enterprise of Martha McGinn Training and Consultation and has a range of training and support solutions designed for individuals and organisations, including:
A number of our training programmes are available to individual learners and organisations through a blended learning programme. However, we know that training can incur many costs to both organisations and individuals, including covering the costs of staff shifts and paying an instructor, which can spiral the cost of training. Therefore, our state-of-the-art Learning Management System (LMS) offers learning materials in various formats. It is interactive and engaging, and training courses are set against our Competency Framework. So staff get the information they need.
Learners have unlimited access to their programme content, so they can access the course at a time and place that is suitable for them. In addition, all of the programme materials are available in one location, including course material, assignments, and tracking learner progress.
Learner knowledge can be assessed by using reflective scenarios, quizzes, and assignments. In addition, we have an extensive resource library of other videos, articles and support materials available on request.
Our online EHub provides over a 1100 self-paced, multi-media bite size training programmes set against our Competency Professional Development Framework, available here at Your Fingertips.
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