The NDA defines PCP as a “way of discovering how a person wants to live their life and what is required to make that possible. The overall aim of PCP is good planning leading to positive changes in people’s lives and services”
Person Centred Planning is a way of supporting and empowering people with disabilities to make some choices and changes in their life. It is a positive and enabling approach that helps people to make plans for their future and organise the support and services they need. It seeks to reflect the way ordinary people make plans. Everyone plans their life in different ways. Some people have very clear thoughts about what they want and how to achieve it. Others take opportunities as they arise. Person Centred Planning is embedded in the principle that disabled people are entitled to the same rights, opportunities, and choices as other members of the community
The HSE conducted a literature review which suggests that the four elements of PCP presented in the NDA 2005 guidelines are still valid today. The review highlighted relevant aspects to the implementation of PCP. Training forms a critical part of an implementation strategy, but is considered best if accompanied by the 4 following elements.
Source: Guidelines on Person Centred Planning in the Provision of Services for People with Disabilities in Ireland.
Training has been identified as a core component of PCP implementation. The value base of PCP should be the focus of training for all staff working in the organisation including managers. The following training areas have been recommended for PCP stakeholders. Source: HSE 2017 A Literature Review to Inform the Development of a National Framework for Person-Centred Planning in Disability Services
We have a series of programmes which include training for:
Staff implementing PCP
Training on PCP implementation, human rights, communication skills and person-centred active support. – 2 day training
PCP facilitators
Training on PCP context and values, PCP facilitation and implementation strategies such as communication with an emphasis on listening and community inclusion. – 4 day training
Learners will develop the following relevant to their role:
Our online EHub provides over a 1100 self-paced, multi-media bite size training programmes set against our Competency Professional Development Framework, available here at Your Fingertips.
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