Our training programmes in the Safe Administration of Medication are designed for the wider healthcare team, specifically Social Care Workers and HCA’s who are working with vulnerable groups with disabilities or looked after children in support services, residential, day, respite and or home support services who are unable to self- administer.
2-day foundation competency based training programme in the Safe Administration of Medication This programme focuses on the basics of Safe Administrative practices of oral, liquid, capsule medication, safe administration of inhalers, eye, ear, nose drops, skin applications including patches. How to read a prescription and use the MIMS
After successful completion of the foundation programme, learners can progress to short teaching programmes on specific conditions and the supports required including the safe administration of medication associated with these conditions.
The addendums are as follows:
The Safe Administration of Medication Series were developed by Martha McGinn Training and Consultation set against the Royal Pharmaceutical Principles and quality assurance system following a review of the needs of organisations supporting people with disabilities. The reviewer feedback indicated that there was evidence that all principles and QA measures were met to a very high standard. The principles and quality assurances were as follows:
Our online EHub provides over a 1100 self-paced, multi-media bite size training programmes set against our Competency Professional Development Framework, available here at Your Fingertips.
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